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Showing posts from July, 2019

Principles of Motherhood and Submissiveness

Motherhood Motherhood is the act of nursing and selflessly caring for a child as to bring him or her to maturity. This is the desire of every woman out there whether married or single. Women are naturally designed to be a mother either biologically or otherwise. In fact the best definition for motherhood is coach. One can't successfully be a mother without knowing the qualities of a mother. I will list the qualities of a mother using the acronyms " MOTHER " M..... Meek O...... Obedient T....... Tender H...... Humble E....... Ever R....... Reliable Submissiveness Submissiveness is the act of surrendering your authority deliberately to another either forcefully or willfully. As to become lesser, and servant to that person. Having known what motherhood and submissiveness is, the other thing is to know when a woman is permitted to exercise this two important aspect of her life. Looking at the qualities of a mother above you will find out that they a...

Importance of Relationship

Importance of Relationship Everyone in life desired to be loved and cared for by others. Though there are lots of writeup about self love which are good and true, but you can't be completely satisfied with self love alone. Do you know we can only love ourselves more when we know we are truly loved by someone. We tend to go close to those that love and cherished us by desiring to do same for them, that is Relationship. You might be wondering why so much talk on relationship. Relationship is something so important that mustn't be handled carelessly. Therefore, relationship is the coming together of two people towards satisfaction and fulfilment. Though if it purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Relationship is not what one should be scared about. Because so many people has not been able to identify the importance of relationship with the opposite sex, they tend to be attracted to their male or female counterpart because their understanding of relationship has bee...