A lot of persons does not understand the meaning of wholeness. Due to this fact many has worked and traded on the wrong path. However, before letting you know the importance of being single and whole, I will define the meaning of wholeness. Wholeness is the state of being free and not bound to anything contrary. Being single and whole therefore means you are not engaged and not in any relationship. Unfortunately many are engaged and also in relationship with other men. Though it has become a common practice but that doesn't justify the fact that is wrong and detrimental to the party involved. Subsequently the benefit of being single and whole can not be over emphasized. Below are some benefit of being single and whole. Focus Being single and whole helps you to be focus as to knowing who you are, your worth and who supposed and who not supposed to be in your life. Many girls are guilty of wholeness, as such they are in state of confusion. Not knowing who to please and who not ...
This page is about love, relationship and healthy tips for living with people, spouse, colleagues and society at large.