Love and relationship has a lot to do with emotion. If you have healthy emotion there is tendency of you having a good and enviable relationship.
The year 2020 has been a rough/ tough year for so many people, a lot of persons lost their love ones to covid19 pandemic, some to flood and gas explosion, many are homeless, hunger and unemployment is the order of the day in most countries.
Therefore the society is tensed, filled with people who are hurt in one way or the other. It has so much imparted many that some are unaware of the environment they are. The level of violence in the society is increasing everyday.
June 23, 2020 a man allegedly killed his wife and himself at Lekki Lagos, Nigeria. You can Google to see details.
Below is Chris watt who killed his pregnant wife and two daughters. You can Google for details
Why did I take time to show us the images above? Because the picture has a lot to reveal to us about emotion. If you view the images you will find out that these people were one time very happy, you may ask how can one go about killing the people they have ever cherished and love?
However you may find out that they themselves never thought they can do such if they have the opportunity to be interviewed. It was even stated in one of the victim report that he lost control why; because he couldn't manage his emotion. There are lot of examples like this but we can't list them all. However you can do your findings.
Our emotion is so deceptive and dynamic that we can't tell what our next action will be. The good news is we can actually get hold of our emotion and determine what it does.
Here are some ways you can manage your emotions.
- Learn to keep calm first before taking actions over anything that come across your way. Reasons it helps you to have space of multiple thought coming in as to have good rethink over the negative choice the heart initially presented to you.
- Know also that either you or your opponent is vulnerable on the ground of anger, as such you must always mind what you say to anyone most especially during crises.
- Help to filled your heart with positive thought even when things are not working as you desired. Those thought will help you to understand that you are not alone. Base on personal experience I have learnt to know that my condition is not the worse on the surface of the earth. Therefore if I allowed its impact on my emotion then I am weak. Why am I saying this a lot of people have issues worse than yours yet they are standing and smiling then why shouldn't I smile? In fact we need to smile to win.
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