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Benefits of being Single and whole

A lot of persons does not understand the meaning of wholeness. Due to this fact many has worked and traded on the wrong path. However, before letting you know the importance of being single and whole, I will define the meaning of wholeness. Wholeness is the state of being free and not bound to anything contrary. Being single and whole therefore means you are not engaged and not in any relationship. Unfortunately many are engaged and also in relationship with other men. Though it has become a common practice but that doesn't justify the fact that is wrong and detrimental to the party involved. Subsequently the benefit of being single and whole can not be over emphasized. Below are some benefit of being single and whole. Focus Being single and whole helps you to be focus as to knowing who you are, your worth and who supposed and who not supposed to be in your life. Many girls are guilty of wholeness, as such they are in state of confusion. Not knowing who to please and who not ...

Things Matured People Do Before Saying I Do

To most people saying I do is something they yearn and long for as days go by. Though saying I do  to the one you love is the most exciting and interesting thing to do. On the other hand is the most critical state of one's life and decision. Here are few things to know as to know as to ensure your readiness  The first of the list is about your five sense organ. You are going to have your five sense organ malfunctioned. The Eye The eye is an organ of sight it allows you to see everything whether hidden or revealed. It is a powerful too that engage itself even when you least require its service. It is for protection, and visions. But in marriage and relationship you must learn how to make the eye malfunction. How is this done? It is not everything they shows you that you will agree to. Its duty is to see why the final judgment of what it saw is your duty. In relationship and marriage everything is not as how they appear to so you must learn to be in control of y...

Four Basic Therapy To Keep Your Spouse

Loyalty Loyalty is the act of bringing yourself to a level of a subject even when you are a master. This attribute keep people safe around you, make them trust you, make them want to spend their precious time with you. Nobody want someone who is always bossy and feeling higher than them.    Peace Nobody wants to dwell in war zone or an unfriendly environment that is a threat to their life. Peace is the act of not being worry over ranging situations. When many people are face with difficulty or challenges they tend to transfer the aggression to someone close to them. You must help yourself to always create a friendly and welcoming environment. Always remember that fighting, nagging worrying will not solve a situation but it rather make you scary to those around you.   Love  We genuinely love people when they less deserve it. Have you ever seeing anyone who desired not to loved? We all crave for love unfortunately we all have weakness. So concentrate le...

How To Balance Career and Marriage

In my previous post i wrote the reasons for being single in marriage for which i stated the major reason which is CAREER. I write to profound solution to that effect. For the purpose of this writeup I am stating two ways of balancing career and marriage. 1. Commitment For marriage to work successfully and both parties not feeling sad as to resent, then commitment must be made. Do you know many people are highly committed to their job even to the extent of betraying their spouse? Now as a married woman or man courtesy demand you spend much time with your family but due to bills to be paid we easily stay at work even for months. It is true the economy is not friendly but what matter is how you sees it. The world is filled with people who want to achieve much with less resources. Nothing stops you from having good conversation with your spouse about your desire for your dream family that is now a reality. You can discuss with your spouse on how the bills should be paid and what...

The Major Reason of being single in marriage

Many people are married today but are living single. Unfortunately for some they don't even know they are single. We can't totally understand what it means to be single in marriage without knowing the difference between both. Before we go further to discuss the main reason of being single in marriage we will first define marriage and singleness. Singleness: This is a stage in one's life of being whole without companion. This period in adult hood is when one is so engrossed in his or herself without having fear of the feelings of others. In this stage you are your own boss, you take and make decisions without interference. It is an interesting and exciting stage in the life of every human. However, though exciting its also a stage of loneliness and having too much to carry without compulsory right of sharing it with another. Marriage Marriage is the immediate next stage after being single. It is the coming together of two individual usually a male and  a female as...

Principles of Motherhood and Submissiveness

Motherhood Motherhood is the act of nursing and selflessly caring for a child as to bring him or her to maturity. This is the desire of every woman out there whether married or single. Women are naturally designed to be a mother either biologically or otherwise. In fact the best definition for motherhood is coach. One can't successfully be a mother without knowing the qualities of a mother. I will list the qualities of a mother using the acronyms " MOTHER " M..... Meek O...... Obedient T....... Tender H...... Humble E....... Ever R....... Reliable Submissiveness Submissiveness is the act of surrendering your authority deliberately to another either forcefully or willfully. As to become lesser, and servant to that person. Having known what motherhood and submissiveness is, the other thing is to know when a woman is permitted to exercise this two important aspect of her life. Looking at the qualities of a mother above you will find out that they a...

Importance of Relationship

Importance of Relationship Everyone in life desired to be loved and cared for by others. Though there are lots of writeup about self love which are good and true, but you can't be completely satisfied with self love alone. Do you know we can only love ourselves more when we know we are truly loved by someone. We tend to go close to those that love and cherished us by desiring to do same for them, that is Relationship. You might be wondering why so much talk on relationship. Relationship is something so important that mustn't be handled carelessly. Therefore, relationship is the coming together of two people towards satisfaction and fulfilment. Though if it purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Relationship is not what one should be scared about. Because so many people has not been able to identify the importance of relationship with the opposite sex, they tend to be attracted to their male or female counterpart because their understanding of relationship has bee...

Foolishness Or Love?

Foolishness Or Love There is a viral saying that love is not foolishness. It is true that when you are in love your behaviour to those around sometimes look foolish. Because you behave different from who you used to be, what you used to be. Afterthought, if we want to retain who we are we can not actually love completely because love is selfless, patient, tolerance, giving and hopeful. Love is for those that want to be called foolish. However love is not foolishness rather is wisdom. Let's look at the characteristics of foolishness Characteristics of foolishness Self centeredness Self seeking  Self love only Selfishness Self wisdom Unfortunately the above character is what 90% of people professing love exhibits because they don't want to be tagged foolish yet became  the foolish one. Dear reader if you have not in anyway sacrifice without hidden motive in your relationship with your spouse you are not yet in love, if you have not stop seeking for the best...

How To Know My Partner Is The One For Me

Love is not game You don't gamble to know if he loves you or not. You don't need to empty yourself before you know whether she loves you or not. You must be sure of what you wanted and ensure is what you are going for. Don't let other people opinion to totally determine his or her love. Remember only few can advice from your own perspective and view. Because everyone judge from their perspective and desire. So you must be sure of what you want before saying I do.

How To Know True Love

How To know True Love Love is the strong bond or feelings that you have towards someone that makes you put yourself in their shoe as to understand them better than the way others do.  It is quite unfortunate that this feelings can be deceptive as such making it fake version to be more than its original version. Nowadays it is difficult to actually know if someone truly  loves you or they are just pretence.  The good news is that for every adulterated goods the original is always somewhere. When true love is not properly identified it can be mistaken for fake. Therefore this post is written to help millions out there to know true love when they finds it.  How Can I know  True Love? By words True love can not be hidden it must be expressed through words. Just as you express hatred to someone by saying words that hurt their feelings so is true love spoken. Love that can not be expressed with words is questionable. Love is not kept in the heart to s...

Overcoming Depression

Depression defined in my own way as a state of emptiness in the mind. When one is empty he or she is worthless and useless. However it is good to know that no human is empty or useless. Unfortunately depression has become the order of the day. I can say the whole world is depressed. Then how can we stop depression? Here are some key to overcoming depression: Be careful of what you say What you say to people matters a lot, the human mind is designed to adapt to what ever is giving to it. So wrong words spoken to someone can go a long way to affect his or her life. Let me ask you this have you ever be complemented on how you look? How did you feel? Also have negative things be said to you about your look? How did you feel? I have come to discovered that the mind tend to retain negative words than positive. I went out few days ago everyone was complementing my look even my curves but one bus conductor said negative thing about my curves. That was a deformity that is not pronounced b...


Inevitable means something that must surely happen, that is what you can not escape. Example of life inevitable are: Death, Love, Relationship. One can't journey on the surface of the earth without coming across each of them. These make up the phase of life, as such i will be discussing them in Phases. Phase 1 (RELATIONSHIP) The first phase of the inevitable is the relationship phase, everyone must pass through relationship of one kind or the other starting from our home, most especially with siblings, parents and peers. Relationship can either be same sex or opposite sex.  The inevitable in Relationship The inevitable in relationship is ' breakage' How do people handle broken relationship or what is your state of mind and heart when you come across this in life? End of the road? I assure you that broken relationship is not the end of the road. The road you did not access can't lead you to its destination. Why should i stop half way due to injury whereby oth...

Four Benefits Of Broken Relationship

Relationship is the coming together of two or more persons in agreement to achieve common goal. Relationship is classified; business, academic spiritual marital relationships etc. Since relationship involves agreement between two or more parties, then the change of heart of one of the parties in the course of agreement is what brings broken relationship. Unfortunately when this happens, many sees it as disappointment, shame, failure which usually result to broken heart, pains,  regret etc. However no matter how painful it is, it is usually accompanied by benefits which many don't take note of. For the purpose of discuss we shall be seeing four benefits of broken relationship. Character/ lifestyle Rebuild  Character is popularly referred to as one's attitude or the way of life of individual or group of people. It is usually build overtime through circumstances and happenings. Since relationship involves two or more persons who are from different backgrounds and upbringing,...
Benefits of broken relationship: A lot of persons suffer depression from broken relationship and vow never to let themselves be used, sadly many died in the process because of pain shame and guilt. To some, relationship has become nightmare in which they wish never to see nor to confront in life. However, as relationship have good and bad side because we are not perfect so it is with broken relationship it has its own benefit. There are some benefit of important relationship which I will be discussing few. Firstly Readiness : so many are in relationship in which their partner is not ready as such that relationship must suffer friction and when it doesn't work it is an opportunity for both partners to understand themselves as to know what actually they want. The feedback I received from the questionnaire I sent to some persons who have had broken relationship in one area or the other, confirm that most relationship got broken as a result of one of the partner not ready. This po...